
I am available to consult on program and project development, media, and research related to mental health, cancer survivorship, and stigma reduction initiatives. My experience includes working at all levels of leadership in the international, domestic, and local spheres. I have served on numerous boards, advisory groups, and committees.


My expertise has been sought by such notable groups as the National Academy of Sciences that appointed me to two committees, World Psychiatric Association, National Press Foundation, Poynter Institute, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Patient Safety Summit, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Global Anti-Stigma Alliance, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, Kennedy Forum, The College of Behavioral Health Leadership, and in state-level organizations such as Mental Health America of Georgia and the Georgia Center for Oncology Research and Education.

To learn more about how we can work together, please contact me or via the Contact Me feature on this website.

Special Projects


I have extensive experience overseeing and executing large-scale, complex projects across cultures and delivering on tight timelines. Projects have included overseeing the development of a special theme issue of the American Journal of Public Health that included recruiting potential authors, reviewing papers, working closely with the leadership of the journal, and delivering a launch event attended by VIPs.  Partnering with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and Entertainment Industries Council, I led the review and editing of a media guide for behavioral health reporting and oversaw the execution of a launch event. 

My work has included engaging across cultures and traveling extensively throughout the world speaking, building partnerships for program development, and creating program models for and overseeing active programming.  Under my leadership, program development was initiated and completed in South Africa, Romania, Colombia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates. 


Recent work has included forays into the cancer survivorship field in which I shared my personal story at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Survivorship Research Conference, educated oncology care providers about the survivorship experience, and spoke at multiple Georgia-state level survivorship conferences.  I have worked recently with the Georgia Center for Oncology Research and Education (Georgia CORE) and advised on a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) survivor-led intervention development for psycho-social care post-treatment.